check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Mews: hotel management system

Improve the management of your hotel with the integration of Civitfun and the Mews PMS

Take advantage of all the facilities offered by this hotel management system in the cloud to revolutionize the operation of your accommodation in a few clicks and transform the guest experience.

  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Products With Mews

The connection between Mews and Civitfun, the perfect integration

Optimize and organize the bookings that your hotel registers without complications from the cloud, thanks to an agile operation between Mews and Civitfun, which allows a wide range of products.

Products available for Mews PMS

Digitize the day-to-day of your hotel establishment to create unique and unrepeatable experiences, with the guest as the main protagonist of the stay. The reception will also work more productively and efficiently.

  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun
  • check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Full compatibility between Civitfun and Mews

Mews PMS and Civitfun adapt to the needs of your accommodation

The integration between Civitfun and the Mews PMS is valid for any type of hotel property, since the connection supports all the versions available in production. Take advantage of this versatility.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Mews online check-in process

The automation of bookings, the best option with Mews

Manage bookings quickly, without queues or waiting, and focus on what is really important: traveler satisfaction, even before arrival at the hotel, with the step-by-step online check-in functionality.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Receive the link to check-in online

The guest receives the link in his email to start the online check-in process.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Complete the booking data in the blink of an eye

Thanks to the document scanner, the information of the travelers is auto-completed in seconds. Subsequently, the guest reviews the information, and it is updated in the Mews PMS at the end of check-in.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

100% online signature

The guest reviews and signs the contract digitally in the Mews PMS.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Select the room(optional)

The Mews PMS has this product. Comfort at the service of guests.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Make a difference with small details (optional)

It offers, thanks to the Mews PMS, upgrades in bookings with a higher category room or with additional services. Provide added value to the traveler's experience at your hotel.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Make the payments associated with the reservation from Mews demo.

The guest does not need to go through reception, they can do it completely online. Goodbye to queues and waiting.

Benefits of integrating Civitfun and Mews

Boost the productivity of your reception staff

Guests arrive at your hotel with the only concern of enjoying their stay. The rest is taken care of by the integration of the Mews hotel management software with Civitfun, which eliminates manual tasks.

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Greater control over bookings

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Reduce the use of paper

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Agility at reception

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Convenience for your staff and guests

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Reduce fraud and chargebacks

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Greater guest satisfaction

check in hoteles | Civitfun | check in hoteles | Civitfun

Civitfun Help Center

Solve all your doubts about the connection between Mews and Civitfun on our Help Center

Find everything you need to know to get the most out of it on Civitfun Help Center. Master even the smallest detail and there will be no Mews PMS reservation that you can not manage.

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